Your father healed, gifts, health, joy. That's why, hearing so much and good things about the United States, since I was little, I created this dream of one day living there, even without having even set foot on American soil. coincidences in life, my father was assigned to work for years in the United States, when I was just over years old. It was an extremely radical change of reality. We went from a life with a lot of restrictions in Rio de Janeiro, to a much calmer one in Brasília, to the dream of living in the USA. After
wonderful years and month, we returned to Brasília, but the United States Asia Mobile Number List never left my mind, nor my father's, who to this day sighs when he talks about there. There is a story that illustrates well what this trip meant for my father and, by extension, the entire family. On my father's first vacation in the USA, we went to Disney, specifically the Magic Kingdom. When my son entered the main avenue, he walked for about minutes, sat down on a bench and started crying uncontrollably. My family and I understood the whirlwind of emotions, because we knew his childhood
story. And just as beautiful as his reaction were those of some unknown people, who sat next to him, as if saying they understood him, and ended up crying too. That's what's interesting with history: everyone has their own and they affect each person differently, even when the emotion or reactions are similar. Thus, we transformed the website into a portal about the United States, with content about work, study, life and everything else about the United States.