This is an opportunity for people to learn about the kind of study group we hold and the atmosphere among the members, which can lead to branding and recruitment. Advantage 3: Promotes communication In remote work, there is less communication such as face-to-face chatting. Therefore, by communicating at a distance from work, we can promote interaction between members. It will also be useful for communication between departments that have little interaction in normal work. Study session format There are various formats for study sessions.
I have held study sessions in the following formats. format Circle reading format I will explain each of them. 1.LT format LT is an abbreviation for "Lightning Talk" and refers to a short presentation. In the LT format, each person will discuss the Special Data topic for 15 to 20 minutes, including Q&A. It is similar to a so-called lecture-style study session. With LT, the presentation time is short, so you can be on stage without worrying too much. 2. Hands-on format The hands-on format is a format in which participants learn about the topic by actually using their hands.
It is said that by learning by actually using your hands, it is easier to acquire skills than in classroom lectures such as LT. On the other hand, the presenter needs to prepare the environment and materials for the participants to use their hands, so it takes time to prepare. 3. Panel discussion format The panel discussion format is a format in which multiple panelists discuss a theme. You can share ideas and knowledge by having a discussion among panelists who are knowledgeable about the topic. Preparation costs are kept low as little preparation is required on the part of the speaker.