That is understandable to the target group, which will allow the recipients to identify with the brand more easily. Brand storytelling Let's start with a classic, the history of your brand. Tell viewers how it developed, what was the driving force behind its creation, what the beginnings of working on the products were like and share the inspiring experiences of your customers. How-to guides Create short.
Valuable instructional videos that will show you how to use your products or share your knowledge and experience on issues related to your brand profile. User Generated Content (UGC) Attract good energy to yourself! Encourage C Level Contact List users to create their own brand videos, product reviews, or stories about their experiences with your products. User Generated Content is a unique opportunity for the community to co-create.
Your brand's story and build engagement. Behind the scenes Show the human aspect of your brand. Share the behind-the-scenes of production and work in your company. Let the community learn about non-obvious facts, curiosities and real faces of the team behind the brand's success. Concrete Remember that videos may only be a few seconds long. Trendy sound from the application.