The truth is that they even give a greater return on the financial resources of your project, and it all means that the marketing campaigns you launch will focus only on those potential clients who are just going through your sales funnel . And those people who just know you will trust much more in what they say about you than in what your offer wants to tell them. If you plan your customer loyalty strategy well, you can motivate your already loyal customers to leave references about what you sell. TEST How much do you know about business? Tools, concepts, business methodologies.
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It is important to establish a balance between your company's own values and the values of the potential clients you are going to reach. Yes, throughout the article we have told you that it is necessary to put the customer at the center of your marketing strategies , but you as a brand also have a crucial role in transmitting the message. Because at the end of the day, you are the one who produces what other people will buy to satisfy some need. An example of what we are telling you are those brands that have committed to social causes such as veganism, the inclusion of minorities and caring for the planet in general.