When we embark on the project of creating a website, whether to write a blog, promote a product or carry out e-commerce operations, it is necessary to take into account certain basic or elementary legal issues that can help us avoid consequences that are not at all desired. And that are easily avoidable. We will try to ensure that this post can help you in that sense. Therefore, it is advisable to dedicate a space on our website to include the information required by the applicable regulations. Below I list the main spanish laws to take into account for illustrative purposes, if you want you can go to the next paragraph: basic regulations to take into account at the national level (*) law on information society services and electronic commerce of july 11. Hereinafter lssi. Organic law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data and the regulations that develop it (royal decree no. of december 21). From now on lopd. Ministerial order it , of may 19, which approves the national plan for internet domain names under the code of its corresponding country.
We must not lose sight of other sectoral or specific Italy Telegram Number Data regulations and in the case of electronic commerce activities, we must also observe, among others: law the regulation of retail trade. Consolidated text of the general law for the defense of consumers and users (royal legislative decree of november 16) how to write the legal notice and what mentions should it include? We have been referring to the legal notice as the set of mentions or references of a legal nature that are required by the applicable regulations. Generally, no one reads it, and for that reason we take away the task of writing the legal notice by doing the well-known “cut and paste”. There are many cases in which we find in the legal notice of a company's website the repeated name of another company that has nothing to do with the first. Apart from the bad image it provides (a minor issue, because as we have said, almost no one reads it), it is evident that this company has not spent a moment thinking about what information it should provide to users from the point of view. Legal in accordance with the activity or service that you intend to carry out through your website. It is not mandatory for all websites to have a legal notice.
However, if it is a company website, a corporate blog or if income is received through it – either directly through electronic commerce activities (offering of goods and/or services), or indirectly (through advertising contracts) – there is an obligation to have a legal notice drafted in accordance with regulatory provisions. If we think about it a little, we will come to the conclusion of the need for such legal requirements, since their purpose is to provide transparency to the user about the activity or service that we intend to perform through our website, as well as to the authorities. Who ensure compliance with the rules.