They have my eternal respect for that. But is this still a relevant solution? Shouldnt you invest finally! in a CRM worthy of the name? Here are 0 reasons that will convince you to take the plunge! . You are losing too much data Using Excel to manage your customers and prospects can be a good idea if you only have a few dozen contacts. Above 0, it quickly becomes unmanageable. After that, it is impossible to log, classify and recover all your customer data. You forget things and you necessarily lose sales because of it.
And Im not talking about the duplicates that abound in your Excel file . You cant track your Mexico Phone Number Data contacts To optimize your commercial prospecting actions in other words to sell faster and more often you must be able to identify what works best. With Excel, its very complicated. How can you determine what the most common sales triggers are? Which naturally leads us to the next reason. . You cannot apply real business processes Your context is unique and it makes your prospects unique.

To properly manage your prospects and convert them into customers, you must necessarily define commercial processes call sequences, emails, content to use to mature them, etc. How to do all this in an Excel file? invest in a CRM to be more productive Salespeople only spend of their time selling! Is Excels fault? . You waste your salespeoples time I wrote an article on the subject following a recent study a salesperson spends on average only of his time selling . You read correctly, .