Below are interviews conducted by CIAR Global with women who have a lot to say in relation to the development of international arbitration . Diana Bernal: Multiple lawsuits, corruption and TPF, challenges of arbitration in the extractive sector Diana Carolina Bernal-Pérez* has recently published the book “International foreign investment law and the extractive industry. International standards in the extractive sector”, we spoke with this expert in international investment arbitration about her experience as an Arbitrator Intelligence Ambassador (AI Ambassador), arbitration in the extractive industry and her book. [ read full interview ] Karima Sauma: “If the parties do not feel comfortable with including arbitration in their contracts, it is impossible to move forward” Karima Sauma is the executive director of the International Center for Conciliation and Arbitration of the Costa Rican North American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham CR). She is also a professor of International Arbitration at the ULACIT University and academic director of the “CICA-ULACIT Specialization in Arbitration.
Previously, she was an advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, where she was part of Costa Rica's defense team in international arbitration cases presented under international investment agreements, as well as free trade agreements. Prior to joining the Ministry team, she worked as part of the Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer International Arbitration Group in Washington, DC. [ read interview ] E. Mereminskaya: The challenge of construction arbitration is speed and efficiency Elina Mereminskaya, partner of the Chilean firm Wagemann – Abogados e Ingenieros, talks to us, among other things, about her DM Databases experience as a lawyer in arbitrations in the construction sector, the situation of arbitration in Chile and platforms in the sector such as ITAFOR. [read interview] Magdalena Bas: More countries will follow Brazil in excluding investor-State arbitration Magdalena Bas analyzes in this interview the current situation of investment arbitration in South America following the publication of her book “South America in the face of bilateral investment treaties: towards a return of the State in the solution of controversies?”, presented last December.
The face of investment arbitration, it is essential that countries define their public policies Dyalá Jiménez Figueres, Costa Rican lawyer specialized in international arbitration and founder of the firm DJ Arbitraje, advises companies in arbitration processes, as well as in pre- and post-arbitration or litigation phases. Founding member of the Latin American Arbitration Group of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Institute of International Arbitration (AIA) and the Latin American Arbitration Association (ALARB), she is frequently invited as a speaker at international conferences and seminars. There are 159 States parties (Sudan was the last country to recently become a State party) to the convention, which means that there is almost a universal regime, which governs the way in which States treat arbitration clauses and arbitration awards made in other jurisdictions. ” Javier Fernández-Samaniego , direct partner.